  • why we sing...

    Research is the KEY to finding a CURE for childhood cancer. iSing4aCURE is making a difference right NOW by funding cutting edge research across the nation. We are uniting the singing community with the inspiration and the tools to easily raise funds that go quickly and directly to research, all while doing what you Love! Are you ready to Sing4aCURE? Use your VOICE and donate today.

    • Today 7+ children will die of childhood cancer
    • 46 children will be diagnosed with cancer today
    • Cancer is the #1 disease killer of children in the United States. More than pediatric AIDS, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and asthma combined
    • Only 4% of Federal Funding is allocated to Childhood Cancer Research. 
    • Only 1% of American Cancer Society's Public revenues support childhood cancer reseearch
    • The chance of a child under 20 being diagnosed with cancer has been increased to 1 to 285

    Uniting vocalists in the fight to raise funds

    Like to sing?

     Why not Sing4aCURE to end childhood cancer? 

    We Must Do More!

     4% of federal funds are allocated to childhood cancer research. That is why we must all work to raise funds for research! 

    Donate Now!

     Consider making a donation to help fund less toxic childhood cancer research